Split / Trim Welds

This allows you to either split the selected welds and/or trim an amount off the weld start and end.

Split / Trim

Split: Option for where to split welds:

  • at a distance

  • at an interval

  • at the midpoint of corners

  • relocate existing corners

The operation is previewed live in the viewer.

at a specified distance

Splits and trims the selected weld(s) based on the settings in the dialog.

  • Distance: The distance from the start of the weld to split the weld. A distance of 0mm will not split the weld.

  • Trim start by: The distance from the start to trim the start of the weld. A negative value can be used to extend the weld in the start direction.

  • Trim end by: The distance from the end to trim the end of the weld. A negative value can be used to extend the weld in the end direction.

at an interval

Split the welds into discrete intervals, their size specified by Distance. Trim start by and Trim end by control the gap before and after each weld interval.

at the midpoint of corners

Splits the weld at the middle of a corner. Useful to seperate welds at the middle of a curved section.

relocate existing corners

When multiple welds are selected, or a weld that is cyclic (the start and the end of the weld are at the same position), this tool allows relocation of the split points after they have been created.


Split / Trim Welds Example