Create Welds
Weld context menus
Weld creation (automatic direction)
Weld creation (manually defined direction)
The Create Welds tool allows for the manual creation of welds from edges and faces in the project. When creating welds with this tool, the direction of the welds can either be automatically or manually defined.
To use the tool in automatic mode;
Set Orient Welds to automatically
(optional) Configure the Orientation detect distance to set the distance used to find surfaces that will be used to set the nominal dire direction.
Press the 0 selected button corresponding to edges and click to select edges where you wish to create welds.
Press the 0 selected button corresponding to points and click to select points where you wish to create welds.
To use the tool in manual mode
Set Orient Welds to manually
Press 0 selected next to Edges and select the edge where you would like to create a weld.
Press 0 selected next to Points and select the point where you would like to create a weld. Then, either;
Press 0 selected next to Faces 1 and click on a face adjacent to the edge to toggle this face
Press 0 selected next to Faces 2 and click on a different face adjacent to the edge to toggle this face
Adjust until the weld direction is as desired
In manual mode, press Detect faces from edges to automatically guess the appropriate faces.

Example of the weld creation process (automatic mode)
Configurable Settings
Join welds within: Setting to automatically join welds with nearby ends, and the tolerance below which welds will be automatically joined.
auto direction: Setting to automatically orient welds based on the largest uninterrupted arc along the weld path, and the radius of the arc used for this orientation detection.
Select faces automatically Use the auto-direction system to automatically detect which faces optimally orient this weld.